
Submissions from 2016

Comparison of Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery and Robotic Approaches for Clinical Stage I and Stage II Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Using The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Database, Brian E. Louie, Jennifer L. Wilson, Sunghee Kim, Robert J. Cerfolio, Bernard J. Park, Alexander S. Farivar, Eric Vallières, Ralph W. Aye, William R. Burfeind, and Mark I. Block

From FAST to E-FAST: an overview of the evolution of ultrasound-based traumatic injury assessment, J. Montoya, S. P. Stawicki, D. C. Evans, D. P. Bahner, S. Sparks, R. P. Sharpe, and J. Cipolla

Intradiaphragmatic Bronchogenic Cysts: Case Report and Systematic Review, Ronnie Mubang, John Joseph Brady, Melissa Mao, William Burfeind, and Matthew Puc

Predictors of Major Morbidity or Mortality after Resection for Esophageal Cancer: A Society of Thoracic Surgeons General Thoracic Surgery Database Risk Adjustment Model, Daniel P. Raymond, Christopher W. Seder, Cameron D. Wright, Mitchell J. Magee, Andrzej S. Kosinski, Stephen D. Cassivi, Eric L. Grogan, Shanda H. Blackmon, Mark S. Allen, Bernard J. Park, William R. Burfeind, Andrew C. Chang, Malcolm M. DeCamp, David W. Wormuth, Felix G. Fernandez, and Benjamin D. Kozower

The emergence of zika virus as a global health security threat: A review and a consensus statement of the INDUSEM Joint working Group (JWG), Veronica Sikka, Vijay Kumar Chattu, Raaj K. Popli, Sagar C. Galwankar, Dhanashree Kelkar, Stanley G. Sawicki, Stanislaw P. Stawicki, and Thomas J. Papadimos

Bronchial nasoenteric tube misplacement: Effective prevention, prompt recognition, and patient safety considerations, Stanislaw L. Stawicki and Lena Deb

Correlations between pulmonary artery pressures and inferior vena cava collapsibility in critically ill surgical patients: An exploratory study, Stanislaw Stawicki, Thomas Papadimos, David Bahner, David Evans, and Christian Jones

Essential bariatric emergencies for the acute care surgeon, B. Wernick, M. Jansen, S. Noria, S. P. Stawicki, and M. El Chaar

Medical demographics in sub-Saharan Africa: Does the proportion of elderly patients in accident and emergency units mirror life expectancy trends?, Thomas R. Wojda, Kristine Cornejo, Pamela L. Valenza, Gregory Carolan, Richard P. Sharpe, Alaa Eldin A. Mira, Sagar C. Galwankar, and Stanislaw Peter Stawicki

Portable ultrasound in disaster triage: a focused review, S. M. Wydo, M. J. Seamon, S. W. Melanson, P. Thomas, D. P. Bahner, and S. P. Stawicki

Submissions from 2015

Amniotic fluid embolism: Despite progress, challenges remain, Kathryn J. Balinger, Melissa T. Chu Lam, Heidi H. Hon, Stanislaw P. Stawicki, and James N. Anasti

Selective computed tomographic angiography in traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage: A pilot study, Kathryn J. Balinger, Adham Elmously, Brian A. Hoey, Christy D. Stehly, Stanislaw Peter Stawicki, and Marc E. Portner

What's new in critical illness and injury science? Nonaccidental burn injuries, child abuse awareness and prevention, and the critical need for dedicated pediatric emergency specialists: Answering the global call for social justice for our youngest citizens, Heidi H. Hon, Yeamie M. Sheref Kousari, Thomas J. Papadimos, Areti Tsavoussis, Rebecca Jeanmonod, and Stanislaw P. Stawicki

Comorbidity-polypharmacy score predicts readmission in older trauma patients, Blain Chaise Housley, Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki, David C. Evans, and Christian Jones

Mechanical complications of nasoenteric tubes, Christian Jones, Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki, and David C. Evans

Comorbidity-polypharmacy score predicts in-hospital complications and the need for discharge to extended care facility in older burn patients, Carla F. Justiniano, Rebecca A. Coffey, David C. Evans, Larry M. Jones, Christian D. Jones, J. Kevin Bailey, Sidney F. Miller, and Stanislaw P. Stawicki

Clinician-performed ultrasound in hemodynamic and cardiac assessment: a synopsis of current indications and limitations, N. Kelly, R. Esteve, T. J. Papadimos, R. P. Sharpe, S. A. Keeney, R. DeQuevedo, M. Portner, D. P. Bahner, and S. P. Stawicki

Sonographic evaluation of intravascular volume status: Can internal jugular or femoral vein collapsibility be used in the absence of IVC visualization?, Alistair Kent, Prabhav Patil, Victor Davila, J. Kevin Bailey, Christian Jones, David C. Evans, Creagh T. Boulger, Eric Adkins, Jayaraj M. Balakrishnan, Sebastian Valiyaveedan, Sagar C. Galwankar, David P. Bahner, and Stanislaw P. Stawicki

Laparoscopy in trauma: An overview of complications and related topics, Tammy Kindel, Nicholas Latchana, Mamta Swaroop, Umer I. Chaudhry, Sabrena F. Noria, Rachel L. Choron, Mark J. Seamon, Maggie J. Lin, Melissa Mao, James Cipolla, Maher El Chaar, Dane Scantling, Niels D. Martin, David C. Evans, Thomas J. Papadimos, and Stanislaw P. Stawicki

Complications during intrahospital transport of critically ill patients: Focus on risk identification and prevention, Patrick H. Knight, Neelabh Maheshwari, Jafar Hussain, Michael Scholl, Michael Hughes, Thomas J. Papadimos, Weidun Alan Guo, James Cipolla, Stanislaw P. Stawicki, and Nicholas Latchana

Complications of chest tubes: A focused clinical synopsis, Melissa Mao, Ronson Hughes, Thomas J. Papadimos, and Stanislaw P. Stawicki

Comorbidity-Polypharmacy Score as Predictor of Outcomes in Older Trauma Patients: A Retrospective Validation Study, Ronnie N. Mubang, Jill C. Stoltzfus, Marissa S. Cohen, Brian A. Hoey, Christy D. Stehly, David C. Evans, Christian Jones, Thomas J. Papadimos, Jennifer Grell, William S. Hoff, Peter Thomas, James Cipolla, and Stanislaw P. Stawicki

Professionalism of surgery, Arthur L. Rawlings, Phillip P. Shadduck, Lelan F. Sillin, Peter F. Crookes, Bruce V. MacFadyen, Marian P. McDonald, Kenneth A. Forde, and John D. Mellinger

Surgical safety checklist: Productive, nondisruptive, and the »right thing to do», E. A. Smith, I. Akusoba, D. M. Sabol, S. P. Stawicki, M. A. Granson, E. C. Ellison, and S. D. Moffatt-Bruce

Modern sonology and the bedside practitioner: evolution of ultrasound from curious novelty to essential clinical tool, S. P. Stawicki and D. P. Bahner

Comorbidity polypharmacy score and its clinical utility: A pragmatic practitioner's perspective, Stanislaw P. Stawicki, Sarathi Kalra, Christian Jones, Carla F. Justiniano, Thomas J. Papadimos, Sagar C. Galwankar, Scott M. Pappada, John J. Feeney, and David C. Evans

Racial and Ethnic Differences in Lung Cancer Surgical Stage: An STS Database Study, Benny Weksler, Andrzej S. Kosinski, William R. Burfeind, Scott C. Silvestry, Jennifer Sullivan, and Thomas A. D'Amico

Authors reply, J. R. Wisler, A. N. Springer, K. Hateley, X. M. Mo, D. C. Evans, C. H. Cook, A. T. Gerlach, C. V. Murphy, D. S. Eiferman, S. M. Steinberg, S. D. Bergese, T. J. Papadimos, and S. P. Stawicki

Authors' reply, J. R. Wisler, A. N. Springer, K. Hateley, X. M. Mo, D. C. Evans, C. H. Cook, A. T. Gerlach, C. V. Murphy, D. S. Eiferman, S. M. Steinberg, S. D. Bergese, T. J. Papadimos, and S. P. Stawicki

Ultrasound and Computed Tomography Imaging Technologies for Nutrition Assessment in Surgical and Critical Care Patient Populations, Thomas R. Wojda, Michael Scott Cardone, Wilson D. Lo, Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki, and David C. Evans

The Ebola outbreak of 2014-2015: From coordinated multilateral action to effective disease containment, vaccine development, and beyond, Thomas R. Wojda, Pamela L. Valenza, Kristine Cornejo, Thomas McGinley, Sagar C. Galwankar, Dhanashree Kelkar, Richard P. Sharpe, Thomas J. Papadimos, and Stanislaw P. Stawicki

Submissions from 2014

Superior vena cava filter, John A. Bach, Scott King, Hooman Khabiri, David E. Lindsey, and Stanislaw P. Stawicki

Invited commentary, William R. Burfeind

Invited commentary, William R. Burfeind

Lack of added predictive value of portable chest radiography in diagnosing ventilator-associated pulmonary infection, Ellen Carraro, Charles Cook, David Evans, Stanislaw Stawicki, Angelina Postoev, Vanessa Olcese, Gary Phillips, and Daniel Eiferman

Pre-injury beta blocker use does not affect the hyperdynamic response in older trauma patients, David C. Evans, Kendrick M. Khoo, Andrei Radulescu, Charles H. Cook, Anthony T. Gerlach, Thomas J. Papadimos, Steven M. Steinberg, Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki, and Daniel S. Eiferman

Implementation of a dietitian-led enteral nutrition support clinic results in quality improvement, reduced readmissions, and cost savings, Beth T. Hall, Michael S. Englehart, Karyl Blaseg, Kandis Wessel, Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki, and David C. Evans

A systematic review of the need for MRI for the clearance of cervical spine injury in obtunded blunt trauma patients after normal cervical spine CT, Iyore A.O. James, Ahmad Moukalled, Elizabeth Yu, David B. Tulman, Sergio D. Bergese, Christian D. Jones, Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki, and David C. Evans

The emergence of Ebola as a global health security threat: From 'lessons learned' to coordinated multilateral containment efforts, Sarathi Kalra, Dhanashree Kelkar, Sagar C. Galwankar, Thomas J. Papadimos, Stanislaw P. Stawicki, Bonnie Arquilla, Brian A. Hoey, Richard P. Sharpe, Donna Sabol, and Jeffrey A. Jahre

Risk factors for retained surgical items: A meta-analysis and proposed risk stratification system, Susan D. Moffatt-Bruce, Charles H. Cook, Steven M. Steinberg, and Stanislaw P. Stawicki

Diagnosing dying, Thomas J. Papadimos, Ellin F. Gafford, Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki, and Michael J. Murray

Association between in-hospital acute hypertensive episodes and outcomes in older trauma patients, Lina Saliba, Stanislaw Peter Stawicki, Cattleya Thongrong, Sergio Daniel Bergese, Thomas John Papadimos, and Anthony Thomas Gerlach

Natural history of retained surgical items supports the need for team training, early recognition, and prompt retrieval, S. Peter Stawicki, Charles H. Cook, Harry L. Anderson, Laurie Chowayou, James Cipolla, Hesham M. Ahmed, Susette M. Coyle, Vicente H. Gracias, David C. Evans, Raffaele Marchigiani, Raeanna C. Adams, Mark J. Seamon, Niels D. Martin, Steven M. Steinberg, and Susan D. Moffatt-Bruce

Prospective evaluation of intravascular volume status in critically ill patients: Does inferior vena cava collapsibility correlate with central venous pressure, Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki, Eric J. Adkins, Daniel S. Eiferman, David C. Evans, Naeem A. Ali, Chinedu Njoku, David E. Lindsey, Charles H. Cook, Jayaraj M. Balakrishnan, Sebastian Valiaveedan, Sagar C. Galwankar, Creagh T. Boulger, Andrew N. Springer, and David P. Bahner

Results of a prospective, randomized, controlled study of the use of carboxymethylcellulose sodium hyaluronate adhesion barrier in trauma open abdomens, Stanislaw P. Stawicki, John M. Green, Niels D. Martin, Raymond H. Green, James Cipolla, Mark J. Seamon, Daniel S. Eiferman, David C. Evans, Joshua P. Hazelton, Charles H. Cook, and Steven M. Steinberg

The 9th annual INDUS-EM 2013 Emergency Medicine Summit, " Principles, Practices, and Patients," a level one international meeting, Kerala University of Health Sciences and Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, Thrissur, Kerala, India, October 23-27, 2013, Mamta Swaroop, Sagar C. Galwankar, Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki, Jayaraj M. Balakrishnan, Tamara Worlton, Ravi S. Tripathi, David P. Bahner, Sanjeev Bhoi, Colin Kaide, and Thomas J. Papadimos

Sex differences in early outcomes after lung cancer resection: Analysis of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons General Thoracic Database, Betty C. Tong, Andrzej S. Kosinski, William R. Burfeind, Mark W. Onaitis, Mark F. Berry, David H. Harpole, and Thomas A. D'Amico

Child-witnessed domestic violence and its adverse effects on brain development: A call for societal self-examination and awareness, Areti Tsavoussis, Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki, Nicoleta Stoicea, and Thomas J. Papadimos

Veno-venous ECMO: A synopsis of nine key potential challenges, considerations, and controversies, David B. Tulman, Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki, Bryan A. Whitson, Saarik C. Gupta, Ravi S. Tripathi, Michael S. Firstenberg, Don Hayes, Xuzhong Xu, and Thomas J. Papadimos

Pre-injury neuro-psychiatric medication use, alone or in combination with cardiac medications, may affect outcomes in trauma patients, J. R. Wisler, A. N. Springer, K. Hateley, X. M. Mo, D. C. Evans, C. H. Cook, A. T. Gerlach, C. V. Murphy, D. S. Eiferman, S. M. Steinberg, S. D. Bergese, T. J. Papadimos, and S. P. Stawicki

Submissions from 2013

Evaluation of the reliability of clinical staging of T2 N0 esophageal cancer: A review of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons database, Traves D. Crabtree, Andrzej S. Kosinski, Varun Puri, William Burfeind, Ankit Bharat, G. Alexander Patterson, Wayne Hofstetter, and Bryan F. Meyers

Intentional foreign object ingestions: Need for endoscopy and surgery, Poorvi P. Dalal, Andrew J. Otey, Emily A. McGonagle, Melissa L. Whitmill, Edward J. Levine, Ryan L. McKimmie, Alicia C. Thomas, Charles H. Cook, Thomas J. Papadimos, Thomas E. Reilley, Sergio D. Bergese, Steven M. Steinberg, Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki, and David C. Evans

Adjunctive aerosolized colistin for multi-drug resistant gram-negative pneumonia in the critically ill: A retrospective study, Neha M. Doshi, Charles H. Cook, Kari L. Mount, Stanislaw P. Stawicki, Erin N. Frazee, Heather A. Personett, Garrett E. Schramm, Heather M. Arnold, and Claire V. Murphy

Academic College of Emergency Experts in India's INDO-US Joint Working Group (JWG) White Paper on the Integrated Emergency Communication Response Service in India: Much more than just a number!, Anuja Joshi, Prasad Rajhans, Sagar Galwankar, Bonnie Arquilla, Mamta Swaroop, Stanislaw Stawicki, Bidhan Das, Praveen Aggarwal, Sanjeev Bhoi, and O. P. Kalra

Comorbidity-polypharmacy score: A novel adjunct in post-emergency department trauma triage, Carla F. Justiniano, David C. Evans, Charles H. Cook, Daniel S. Eiferman, Anthony T. Gerlach, Paul R. Beery, David E. Lindsey, Gary E.A. Saum, Claire V. Murphy, Sidney F. Miller, Thomas J. Papadimos, Steven M. Steinberg, and Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki

Sonographic evaluation of intravascular volume status in the surgical intensive care unit: A prospective comparison of subclavian vein and inferior vena cava collapsibility index, Alistair Kent, David P. Bahner, Creagh T. Boulger, Daniel S. Eiferman, Eric J. Adkins, David C. Evans, Andrew N. Springer, Jayaraj M. Balakrishnan, Sebastian Valiyaveedan, Sagar C. Galwankar, Chinedu Njoku, David E. Lindsey, Susan Yeager, Geoffrey J. Roelant, and Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki

Anion gap as a predictor of trauma outcomes in the older trauma population: Correlations with injury severity and mortality, John J. Leskovan, Carla F. Justiniano, John A. Bach, Charles H. Cook, David E. Lindsey, Daniel S. Eiferman, Thomas J. Papadimos, Steven M. Steinberg, Sergio D. Bergese, Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki, and David C. Evans

Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding secondary to Kaposi sarcoma as initial presentation of HIV infection, Sara A. Mansfield, Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki, Rachel C. Forbes, Thomas J. Papadimos, and David E. Lindsey

Evaluation of a Model for Glycemic Prediction in Critically Ill Surgical Patients, Scott M. Pappada, Brent D. Cameron, David B. Tulman, Raymond E. Bourey, Marilyn J. Borst, William Olorunto, Sergio D. Bergese, David C. Evans, Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki, and Thomas J. Papadimos

Retained surgical items: A problem yet to be solved, Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki, Susan D. Moffatt-Bruce, Hesham M. Ahmed, Harry L. Anderson, Tara M. Balija, Irina Bernescu, Liza Chan, Laurie Chowayou, James Cipolla, Susette M. Coyle, Vicente H. Gracias, Oliver L. Gunter, Raffaele Marchigiani, Niels D. Martin, Jigar Patel, Mark J. Seamon, Eileen Vagedes, E. Christopher Ellison, Steven M. Steinberg, and Charles H. Cook

Challenges in managing amniotic fluid embolism: An up-to-date perspective on diagnostic testing with focus on novel biomarkers and avenues for future research, Stanislaw P. Stawicki and Thomas J. Papadimos

Submissions from 2012

Dynamic changes in respiratory frequency/tidal volume may predict failures of ventilatory liberation in patients on prolonged mechanical ventilation and normal preliberation respiratory frequency/tidal volume values, Raeanna C. Adams, Oliver L. Gunter, Jonathan R. Wisler, Melissa L. Whitmill, James Cipolla, David E. Lindsey, Christy Stehly, Steven M. Steinberg, Charles H. Cook, and Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki

Invited commentary, William R. Burfeind

Comorbidity-polypharmacy scoring facilitates outcome prediction in older trauma patients, David C. Evans, Charles H. Cook, Jonathan M. Christy, Claire V. Murphy, Anthony T. Gerlach, Daniel Eiferman, David E. Lindsey, Melissa L. Whitmill, Thomas J. Papadimos, Paul R. Beery, Steven M. Steinberg, and Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki

Intravascular retained surgical items: A multicenter study of risk factors, Susan D. Moffatt-Bruce, E. Christopher Ellison, Harry L. Anderson, Liza Chan, Tara M. Balija, Irina Bernescu, James Cipolla, Raffaele Marchigiani, Mark J. Seamon, Charles H. Cook, Steven M. Steinberg, and Stanislaw P. Stawicki

Nasoenteric tube complications, S. Prabhakaran, V. A. Doraiswamy, V. Nagaraja, J. Cipolla, U. Ofurum, D. C. Evans, D. E. Lindsey, M. J. Seamon, S. Kavuturu, A. T. Gerlach, N. P. Jaik, D. S. Eiferman, T. J. Papadimos, M. D. Adolph, C. H. Cook, and S. P.A. Stawicki

Obesity increases operating room time for lobectomy in the society of thoracic surgeons database, Jamii B. St. Julien, Melinda C. Aldrich, Shubin Sheng, Stephen A. Deppen, William R. Burfeind, Joe B. Putnam, Eric S. Lambright, Jonathan C. Nesbitt, and Eric L. Grogan

Advances in management of acute hypertension: a concise review., David B. Tulman, Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki, Thomas J. Papadimos, Claire V. Murphy, and Sergio D. Bergese

Submissions from 2011

Invited commentary, William Burfeind

The impact of antiplatelet therapy on pelvic fracture outcomes, Jonathan M. Christy, S. Peter Stawicki, Amy M. Jarvis, David C. Evans, Anthony T. Gerlach, David E. Lindsey, Peggy Rhoades, Melissa L. Whitmill, Steven M. Steinberg, Laura S. Phieffer, and Charles H. Cook

Incorporating research into thoracic surgery practice, Thomas A. D'Amico, Betty C. Tong, Mark F. Berry, William R. Burfeind, and Mark W. Onaitis

Obesity in trauma patients: Correlations of body mass index with outcomes, injury patterns, and complications, David C. Evans, Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki, H. Tracy Davido, and Daniel Eiferman

Physiologically relevant application of airway pressure release ventilation, David C. Evans, Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki, Daniel Eiferman, Thomas E. Reilley, and John B. Downs

Does delaying early intravenous fat emulsion during parenteral nutrition reduce infections during critical illness?, Anthony T. Gerlach, Sheela Thomas, Claire V. Murphy, P. Stanislaw P. Stawicki, Melissa L. Whitmill, Lydia Pourzanjani, Steven M. Steinberg, and Charles H. Cook

Vitamin B 6 deficiency: A potential cause of refractory seizures in adults, Anthony T. Gerlach, Sheela Thomas, Stanislaw P. Stawicki, Melissa L. Whitmill, Steven M. Steinberg, and Charles H. Cook

The aging paradox: How old is old and all that jazz?, Thomas J. Papadimos and Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki

Clinical uses of the medicinal leech: A practical review, B. S. Porshinsky, S. Saha, M. D. Grossman, P. R. Beery, and Spa Stawicki

Civilian nuclear incidents: An overview of historical, medical, and scientific aspects, Yuri Rojavin, Mark J. Seamon, Ravi S. Tripathi, Thomas J. Papadimos, Sagar Galwankar, Nicholas Kman, James Cipolla, Michael D. Grossman, Raffaele Marchigiani, and Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki

Ultrasound-assisted musculoskeletal procedures: A practical overview of current literature, Nelson A. Royall, Emily Farrin, David P. Bahner, and Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki

Atrial fibrillation after esophagectomy: An indicator of postoperative morbidity, Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki, Mark P. Prosciak, Anthony T. Gerlach, Mark Bloomston, H. Tracy Davido, David E. Lindsey, Mary E. Dillhoff, David C. Evans, Steven M. Steinberg, and Charles H. Cook

Submissions from 2010

Pulmonary Function Tests Do Not Predict Pulmonary Complications After Thoracoscopic Lobectomy, Mark F. Berry, Nestor R. Villamizar-Ortiz, Betty C. Tong, William R. Burfeind, David H. Harpole, Thomas A. D'Amico, and Mark W. Onaitis

What Is Abdominal Compartment Syndrome and How Should It Be Managed?, Benjamin Braslow and S. Peter Stawicki

Invited Commentary, William Burfeind

A cost-minimisation analysis of lobectomy: thoracoscopic versus posterolateral thoracotomy, William R. Burfeind, Nikhil P. Jaik, Nestor Villamizar, Eric M. Toloza, David H. Harpole, and Thomas A. D'Amico

Tree stands, not guns, are the midwestern hunter's most dangerous weapon, Andrew Crockett, Stanislaw P. Stawicki, Yalaunda M. Thomas, Amy M. Jarvis, Cecily F. Wang, Paul R. Beery, Melissa L. Whitmill, David E. Lindsey, Steven M. Steinberg, and Charles H. Cook

Do chronic liver disease scoring systems predict outcomes in trauma patients with liver disease? A comparison of MELD and CTP, Mark J. Seamon, Michael J. Franco, S. Peter Stawicki, Brian P. Smith, Heather Kulp, Amy J. Goldberg, Thomas A. Santora, and John P. Gaughan

Review of abdominal damage control and open abdomens: Focus on gastrointestinal complications, Brian P. Smith, Raeanna C. Adams, Vijay A. Doraiswamy, Vivek Nagaraja, Mark J. Seamon, Johathan Wisler, James Cipolla, Rohit Sharma, Charles H. Cook, Oliver L. Gunter, and Stanislaw P.A. Stawicki

Portable ultrasonography in mass casualty incidents: The CAVEAT examination, Stanislaw Peter Stawicki, James M. Howard, John P. Pryor, David P. Bahner, Melissa L. Whitmill, and Anthony J. Dean

Outcomes of Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Decortication, Betty C. Tong, Jennifer Hanna, Eric M. Toloza, Mark W. Onaitis, Thomas A. D'Amico, David H. Harpole, and William R. Burfeind

Submissions from 2009

Male With Torso Injury, Benjamin M. Braslow, S. Peter Stawicki, and Edward T. Dickinson

Complications associated with pulmonary artery catheters: A comprehensive clinical review, D. C. Evans, V. A. Doraiswamy, M. P. Prosciak, M. Silviera, M. J. Seamon, V. Rodriguez Funes, J. Cipolla, C. F. Wang, S. Kavuturu, D. A. Torigian, C. H. Cook, D. E. Lindsey, S. M. Steinberg, and S. P. Stawicki

Fatal child cervical spine injuries in motor vehicle collisions: Analysis using unique linked national datasets, S. Peter Stawicki, John H. Holmes, Michael J. Kallan, and Michael L. Nance

Pancreatic injury in damage control laparotomies: Is pancreatic resection safe during the initial laparotomy?, Mark J. Seamon, Patrick K. Kim, S. Peter Stawicki, G. Paul Dabrowski, Amy J. Goldberg, Patrick M. Reilly, and C. William Schwab

Emergency department thoracotomy for penetrating injuries of the heart and great vessels: An appraisal of 283 consecutive cases from two urban trauma centers, Mark J. Seamon, Adam M. Shiroff, Michael Franco, S. Peter Stawicki, Ezequiel J. Molina, John P. Gaughan, Patrick M. Reilly, C. William Schwab, John P. Pryor, and Amy J. Goldberg

Complications related to endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: A comprehensive clinical review, Matthew L. Silviera, Mark J. Seamon, Brian Porshinsky, Mark P. Prosciak, Vijay A. Doraiswamy, Cecilia F. Wang, Manuel Lorenzo, Michael Truitt, John Biboa, Amy M. Jarvis, Vimal K. Narula, Steven M. Steinberg, and S. Peter Stawicki

Intensivist Use of Hand-Carried Ultrasonography to Measure IVC Collapsibility in Estimating Intravascular Volume Status: Correlations with CVP, S. Peter Stawicki, Benjamin M. Braslow, Nova L. Panebianco, James N. Kirkpatrick, Vicente H. Gracias, Geoffrey E. Hayden, and Anthony J. Dean

Cervical disc disease in geriatric patients: A comparison study, S. Peter Stawicki, John J. Guarnaschelli, and Andrievs J. Dzenitis

Adrenal gland injury secondary to blunt traumatic mechanisms: A marker of overall injury severity, S. Peter Stawicki, Mark J. Seamon, Carla M. Carvalho, Nilesh Bhoot, Rohit Sharma, Sherwin P. Schrag, and Steven M. Steinberg

High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation (HFOV) and Airway Pressure Release Ventilation (APRV): A practical guide, S. P. Stawicki, Munish Goyal, and Babak Sarani

Retained surgical foreign bodies: A comprehensive review of risks and preventive strategies, Stanislaw P. Stawicki, D. C. Evans, J. Cipolla, M. J. Seamon, J. J. Lukaszczyk, M. P. Prosciak, D. A. Torigian, V. A. Doraiswamy, N. P. Yazzie, O. L. Gunter, and S. M. Steinberg