Could tracheo-bronchial ultraviolet C irradiation be a valuable adjunct in the management of severe COVID-19 pulmonary infections?
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International Journal of Academic Medicine
The coronavirus pandemic is wreaking havoc as it mercilessly devastates communities around the world, disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable populations. Thus far, other than high-acuity mechanical ventilatory support and traditional critical care management strategies, there are no proven or effective ways of lessening the impact of COVID-19 pulmonary infection and the associated acute respiratory distress syndrome. This article outlines a proposal for repeated short-term tracheo-bronchial application of ultraviolet C irradiation as a potential adjunctive treatment option for tracheally intubated patients suffering from severe COVID-19 infections. The following core competencies are addressed in this article: Medical knowledge, Patient care.
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Stawicki, Stanislaw, "Could tracheo-bronchial ultraviolet C irradiation be a valuable adjunct in the management of severe COVID-19 pulmonary infections?" (2020). Department of Surgery @SLUHN Articles & Publications. 72.