Which adults aged 65 and older are at low-risk for cervical spine injuries after low-level falls?
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Which adults aged 65 and older are at low-risk for cervical spine injuries after low-level falls?
The population is aging and falls are a common reason for emergency department visits. Appropriate imaging in this population is important. The objectives of this study were to estimate the prevalence of cervical spine injury and identify factors associated with cervical spine injuries in adults ≥ 65 years after low-level falls.
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Publication Date
Fall 9-2-2024
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McCallum, Jessica; Eagles, Debra; Stiell, Ian; Taljaard, Monica; Vaillancourt, Christian; Mercuri, Mathew; Clayton, Natasha; Mercier, Éric; Morris, Judy; Jeanmonod, R.; Varner, Catherine; Barbic, David; Buchanan, Ian M.; Ali, Mariyam; Kagoma, Yoan K.; Shoamanesh, Ashkan; Engels, Paul; Sharma, Sunjay; Worster, Andrew; McLeod, Shelley L.; Émond, Marcel; Papaioannou, Alexandra; Parpia, Sameer; and de Wit, Kerstin, "Which adults aged 65 and older are at low-risk for cervical spine injuries after low-level falls?" (2024). Department of Emergency Medicine @SLUHN Articles & Publications. 5.